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Butterfly 2.27 - iOS

Release Notes

This release contains new functionality, bug fixes and performance improvements.

If you have any questions or need support, visit support.butterflynetwork.com. Thank you for being part of the Butterfly community!

Known Issues

  • A "normal" (higher energy) setting for obstetrics is not currently available for iQ+. The "low" setting has been validated as producing diagnostically acceptable images. Switching to "normal" in the obstetrics preset will not increase the energy at this time.A "normal" (higher energy) setting for obstetrics is not currently available for iQ+. The "low" setting has been validated as producing diagnostically acceptable images. Switching to "normal" in the obstetrics preset will not increase the energy at this time.

  • Performance issues observed when using Color Doppler Mode on certain older iOS devices like iPhone 8, iPad 6th gen.

  • After moving the Sample Volume in Pulsed Doppler mode, the trace may not always restart

  • Caption Health users with iPad OS versions earlier than 15.1 may encounter Low frame rate warning during scan.

  • When clicking on a study QA notification received on the mobile, the specific study that was QA'd may not always be displayed to the user.

  • Users may experience issues labeling a Capture from the Exam reel in the app.

  • When trying to contact support, the user may be unable to access the photo library to add attachments.

  • Firmware update required pop-up may disappear sometimes causing imaging to fail, if the application is backgrounded and foregrounded while the pop-up is on the screen. Force quit and re-launch app to update firmware.

  • Users may encounter an app crash when attempting to save a study or Retry study upload from the Outbox. No data loss should occur and app functionality will resume on re-launch.

  • If the probe is unplugged while a Cine recording is in-progress, the recording may not get saved up to the point of disconnect.

  • Users may experience lower frame rates while imaging on iOS devices with lower processing power.

  • Users with Pro Custom subscriptions are unable to access Butterfly Academy from the mobile app

  • Users in a Vet org may observe some Educational videos display the incorrect category content in the app.

  • When trying to log out or switch orgs, users may see a pending upload warning shown for a couple of minutes even after a successful study upload.

Not all presets, imaging modes and features are available everywhere. Check for availability in your country.

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