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Capture Images Using the Butterfly Probe Button

During typical use, you can freeze an image and capture it using the controls in the app. To improve usability in procedural scenarios, you can press the battery indicator button to capture a still image.

To enable the ability to capture images using your Butterfly probe button:

  1. Ensure you are using the latest version of the Butterfly iQ app.
  2. In the Butterfly iQ app, select your avatar on the bottom right of the toolbar to access your profile.
  3. Select "Preferences", then select "Probe button actions".
  4. Flip the toggle next to "Enable button actions" to turn on this setting.
  5. Once enabled, you can choose the action the button will take when it is clicked; it can either capture an image or start and stop a cine. 
  6. Navigate back to the scan screen, plug in your probe, and begin scanning.
  7. When you have identified a view you would like to capture, press the battery indicator button on the iQ/iQ+ probe or the main button on the iQ3 probe. You will see the screen flash and the number of images in the Capture Reel increase.

Note that you may need to adjust this setting again if you log out of your Butterfly account on your mobile device.

Note - An active membership is required to use probe button capture functionality

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