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Logging in to Enterprise Accounts

Butterfly enables enterprise level security for certain software tiers. 

Enterprise customers are provided a unique Butterfly URL ([YourEnterprise].butterflynetwork.com) that all users will use to access their Butterfly account. Your custom URL will give you more control over how Butterfly is used in regards to user access and mobile device security.

To log into a Butterfly enterprise account via a smartphone:

  1. Download the Butterfly App to your smartphone.
  2. Open the app, then select Log in.
  3. On the Login screen, select "Enterprise user? Log in here".
  4. Enter your unique Blueprint URL.
    • By default, your device will remember the Blueprint URL each time you log out unless the remember your domain box is unchecked. NOTE - If your institution is using MDM to deploy a custom app configuration (Using MDM) you will not see the ability to remember the domain.
    • If you need to log into a non enterprise account simply click “Not an Enterprise User” and the saved Blueprint URL will be forgotten. 
  5. Select the appropriate log in mechanism using either your Butterfly Credentials, or if your organization is using Single Sign On (SSO) you will be directed to log in using your SSO credentials.

Logging in to Blueprint accounts on a desktop web browser:

  • Open your web browser.
    • Butterfly Cloud is compatible with the latest two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  • Navigate to [YourEnterprise].butterflynetwork.com, replacing "[YourDomain]" with your enterprise's unique Blueprint URL. 
    • You can also go to cloud.butterflynetwork.com and click Log In as an Enterprise User and type in your Blueprint URL
  • Log in using the Butterfly credentials you use to access the Butterfly App. If your enterprise has enabled Single Sign-on (SSO), you will be directed to log in using your SSO credentials.
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