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Enterprise Member Management

Enterprise Member management is available to our Enterprise customers. Access to Enterprise Member Management requires Enterprise administrator access and a supported web browser.

Users with this level of access will see “Enterprise Settings'' when they log in and click the avatar at the top of their Butterfly Cloud. Once in Enterprise Settings Enterprise Admins will see Organizations and Enterprise Members.

To access Enterprise Member Management:

  1. Log into Butterfly Cloud using your Butterfly credentials.
  2. Select your avatar on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. From the dropdown, select Enterprise Settings.
  4. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Enterprise Members on the top lefthand corner of the screen.

From the Enterprise Members screen, you can add users to your Enterprise via bulk upload or manually, remove users, and edit their access.

Adding Users to your Enterprise

To bulk upload users:

With Enterprise member management and Single-Sign On (SSO) enabled, you can bulk upload users via a CSV file. This eliminates the need to manually add users to your enterprise, and is a quick way and reliable way to ensure the user’s name is set correctly for DICOM and HL7 integrations, and that the correct interface code is set if using EMR integration. Additionally, using CSV upload with SSO removes the need for invitations. Once a user is added, they can simply log in using their existing SSO credentials.

  1. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Enterprise Members on the top lefthand corner of the screen.
  2. On the top right corner of the screen, select "Add", then select "Download CSV template."
  3. From your computer, access the CSV template you have downloaded. Add the users you'd like to upload, and include their email address, first name, middle name, last name, and interface codes (if applicable).
    • Note: if the name fields are blank, these will be set by the user when they first log in to their account.
  4. Save the CSV file.
  5. From the Enterprise Members screen, select "Add" again, then select "Upload CSV."
  6. Upload the CSV file you've recently edited.

Note: Currently, you cannot edit users via CSV upload. If a user already exists in your enterprise, uploading new information will not edit their account. The user must be edited manually.

To manually add a user:

  1. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Enterprise Members on the top lefthand corner of the screen.
  2. On the top right corner of the screen, select "Add", then select "Add member."
  3. Enter the user's name and interface codes, if applicable.
  4. If you have SSO enabled, users will be added with SSO by default. Click "Save" to complete adding the user.
  5. If you have Butterfly Login enabled and prefer to use this option instead, select "Show login options (advanced)." From here, you can explicitly select either option:
    1. Select "SSO (recommended)" if you would like the user to use their existing SSO credentials to log into Butterfly.
    2. Select "Butterfly login" to send an invitation to their email that they must accept to create an account and use Butterfly.

Please note that an email invitation is only sent when using the Butterfly Login option. If a user is added with SSO, no invitation email is necessary.

Granting and Editing User Access

Once users have been added to your Enterprise, they must be granted access to an organization to begin scanning. 

To grant users access to an organization:

  1. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Organizations on the top lefthand corner of the screen.
  2. You'll see a list of the organizations in your Enterprise. Navigate to the organization you'd like to edit access to, then select Settings next to the organization name.
  3. You'll be taken to the Organization Members tab. Here, select "Add" to add a user to this organization. You can search for the specific user you'd like to add in the search bar by their name or email, then select "Add to organization."

To edit a user:

  1. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Enterprise Members.
  2. You'll see a list of all the members of your enterprise. Navigate to the user you would like to edit, then select "Settings" next to their name.
  3. Here, you can edit their name and interface code if needed. If you would like to promote a user to Enterprise admin, check the box next to "Enterprise admin", then save.

To deactivate a user:

  1. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Enterprise Members.
  2. You'll see a list of all the members of your enterprise. Select the users that you would like to deactivate.
  3. At the top of the screen, select "Bulk Actions" and within the dropdown select "Deactivate users" the users in your selection will be deactivated. Their organization memberships, interface codes and integration names will be cleared at this point.

To reactivate users:

  1. From the Enterprise Settings screen, select Enterprise Members.
  2. Navigate to "Inactive users" at the top of the grid.
  3. Find users you'd like to reactivate by searching for their email addresses and selecting them.
  4. Search for users you want to reactivate via their email addresses and select them.
  5. Select "Bulk Actions" and reactivate the users. After reactivation, ensure they have organization memberships and correct Butterfly Access Roles.


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