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Accessing TeleGuidance

The Butterfly iQ app and desktop Cloud now support TeleGuidance on compatible iOS devices. Butterfly users can give or receive guidance over video calls. Using this technology, a Butterfly user can call a remote expert for advice acquiring and interpreting ultrasound images. 

In the United States, under the FDA’s COVID-19 Emergency Guidance, Butterfly TeleGuidance can be used by any healthcare professional. It allows a trained scanner to remotely guide a novice colleague at the bedside or to remotely collaborate with a qualified peer. TeleGuidance is adjunctive and should not be solely relied upon to diagnose or treat COVID-19. Use by novice operators guided by trained practitioners, is permitted under FDA’s COVID-19 public health policies.

TeleGuidance calls must be between two trained healthcare practitioners who are both Butterfly users. Domain users can’t add users for TeleGuidance outside of their domain. Click here to learn how to Invite Contacts to Teleguidance.

To turn on Butterfly TeleGuidance on the app:

  1. On your mobile device, open the Butterfly iQ app.
  2. Select your Profile on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. In Preferences, you can ensure that "Remote TeleGuidance" is turned on by confirming the toggle is blue.

If you don't see the "Remote TeleGuidance" option in your app:

Ensure that your mobile device is compatible with Butterfly TeleGuidance and that you're using the latest version of the Butterfly app by going to the App Store and checking for updates.

To access Butterfly TeleGuidance on your computer:

  1. Log into cloud.butterflynetwork.com using your Butterfly credentials via the Google Chrome browser on Windows or a Mac.
  2. On the top right corner of the screen, select "TeleGuidance."

Not all presets, imaging modes and features are available everywhere. Check for availability in your country.

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