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Automatically Estimate Bladder Volume

Note: In Canada, this feature is only available for the Butterfly iQ+ and iQ3 probes. 

The Bladder Volume tool allows you to calculate bladder volume while using the Bladder preset in B-mode. The Butterfly iQ acquires a 3D sweep while you hold the probe steady. A volume estimate is then calculated from this 3D sweep.


Not intended for fetal or pediatric use or for use on pregnant patients, patients with ascites, or patients with open skin or wounds in the suprapubic region.

To use the Auto Bladder Volume tool:

  1. Select the Bladder preset.
  2. Select the Actions button on the bottom of the screen.
  3. Under Tools, select Volume.
  4. Position the probe so that the bladder appears at its widest and is centered on the screen. A blue shape highlights when the Auto Bladder Volume tool detects a bladder. Use the vertical line down the center of the screen to help you center the bladder.
  5. Select Calculate. A 3D sweep of the bladder is automatically acquired. Do not move the probe during the sweep.
  6. After successfully capturing the bladder, a volume is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The cine above the volume result displays the images and estimated bladder used to calculate the volume.
  7. Tap the 3D bar to visualize an interactive 3D render of the bladder. Note: the 3D render is not for diagnostic use.
  8. To save the estimated volume result for review, select Save from the bottom of the Bladder Volume result screen. The captured cine loop with the bladder volume estimate and bladder outline is saved to the Capture Reel.
  9. Note that selecting Delete deletes both the bladder volume result as well as the cine used to calculate the result.

For help using the Auto Bladder Volume tool, including information about proper probe positioning, tap the question mark on the bottom right of the screen while Auto Bladder Volume is enabled.

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