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Adding Probes or Seats

You can purchase additional probes, upgrade your license, and make additional purchases all from our online store.

Individual members can purchase up to one additional probe to use with their membership. If you want more than two probes and are an active member, you can upgrade to a team license by contacting our sales team: https://www.butterflynetwork.com/contact. 

To purchase additional probes:

  1. Navigate to store.butterflynetwork.com.
  2. On the top right hand corner of the screen, select Log in.
  3. Log in using your Butterfly credentials.
  4. If prompted, select your organization (the name of your Cloud account).
  5. Click the avatar on the top right corner of the screen. On the dropdown, select My account.
  6. From here, you will be directed to your account page.
  7. Select "Buy additional" to purchase more iQs.
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