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Study Attestation

Study Attestation is included with Butterfly Workflow and is an additional approval required prior to finalizing a study.

System administrators can enable individual archives to require certain users to request an attestation of their study users prior to finalization, enabling additional governance.

To require attestation for an archive:

  1. Log into Butterfly Cloud using your Butterfly credentials.
  2. Navigate to the archive you would like to modify.
  3. Select "Archive Settings," the gear icon to the right of the archive name.
  4. To require attestation, select “Require an attestation message to finalize studies” and enter your required attestation message, then save. 
    1. A sample attestation message might be "You attest that you were present when this scan was performed and agree with the findings."
  5. Select "archive members," which is highlighted in blue. Members in that specific archive will appear. Select which archive members can attest to studies. Note that all administrators can attest by default.

Selecting attesters:

When a user without the "can attest" permission tries to finalize a given study in an archive with attestation enabled they will be prompted to request attestation.

  1. From your mobile device upload a new study and set the study to be saved as finalized. If you do not have the "can attest" permissions, or are not an organization admin you will be asked to select people to attest the study. 
  2. Select the users to attest the study.
  3. A notification will be sent to these users. These users can edit the study, or finalize it.

Not all presets and imaging modes are available everywhere. Check for the availability in your country.

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