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Using Exam Screen

The Exam Screen in Butterfly Cloud allows you to edit and review exams once they are uploaded to Butterfly Cloud. Users can use this page to add tags, documentation, and quality assurance review scores.


  • Status - In the upper left corner of the exam screen users can see the current status of the exam (Draft, Pending Final Signature, Finalized, QA Reviewed). Users can also hover over the dots to see an abridged history of the exam.
  • Add or Edit Patient Information - Users can click the “Add Patient” button to add patient information (either manually or from a worklist) to a draft study. Users can also click on the patient name to see expanded details or to edit patient information on a draft study.
  • Upper Right Corner - This section of the exam screen displays the capture date and time, allows a user to split their exam into multiple exams, favorite the exam to add it to their personal favorites bucket or access an expanded menu by clicking the three dots in the far right corner.
  • Expanded Actions Menu - In the upper right corner, users can click the {...} menu to share a de-identified link of the exam, move the study to a new folder or organization, follow the comments on the exam, or delete the exam.
  • Add Author - Users can click this button to add study primary authors, secondary authors, and scribes to a draft exam.
  • Tags - Users can use this menu to add tags that have been configured at the organization or domain level to an exam at any time. These tags will allow a user to search for this exam in the global search tool.
  • Exam Type - Users can use this section to add an exam type to the exam at any time. This menu will suggest exam types based on the documentation template selected and will auto populate with an exam type when the worksheet is configured to automatically add exam types.
  • Archive - Users can use this button to move the exam to a different archive when it's in draft status. Icons will indicate whether or not the archive is configured to forward the exam images to a PACS system textual results to an EHR.
  • Image Reel - Along the left panel of the exam screen users can scroll through all images and cine clips in the exam.
  • Tile View - Users can toggle Tile view on or off to either see one image at a time or multiple images at a time in a tile view.
  • Expand Image Button - The expand image button will allow users to see an image in full screen. Once in full screen, users can hover over the top of the image to reveal or hide patient details.
  • Image Actions Menu - Across the bottom of the screen several icons will allow a user to take certain actions on a single image.
    • Users can select the “Comment” icon to open the comment section and view or add comments.
    • Users can click the “Measure” icon to access the measurement tools which will allow you to add annotations and measurements to images captured with a Butterfly probe.
    • Users can click the “bookmark” button to bookmark a certain image.
    • Users can click the “download” button to download a single image or cine clip.
    • Users can select the “delete” button to delete a single image or cine clip.
  • Add Worksheet-  Users can select the “Add Worksheet” button to choose from available documentation templates and add them to an exam. The system will give users the option to utilize a prefilled template when configured by administrators. When a user finalizes an exam in an archive that is configured to send textual results to the EHR, everything in the worksheet section will be included in the HL7 result sent to the EHR.
  • Notes - Users can select the “Notes” section to view or edit notes. When a user finalizes an exam in an archive that is configured to send textual results to the EHR, everything in the notes section will be included in the HL7 result sent to the EHR.
  • Progress Bar - users can see the progress of their exam and how close it is to being completed by hovering over the progress bar in the bottom right hand corner. Each required field on the exam is equal to one progress point. When every field is complete except for the final signature, the progress bar will read “ready to sign.”
  • Sign Button - Users will be able to add their signature to an exam by selecting the “sign” button. For users that do not have final signature permissions (like residents), upon adding their signature they will be prompted to request attestation or final signature from an attending. When a credentialed user reviews the exam they will be given the option to “Sign Final".




Names and data used in examples are fictitious unless otherwise noted.

Not all presets and imaging modes are available everywhere. Check for the availability in your country.

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